*1. Co-chair*
Name: Raissa Ibraimo Patia
*2. Co-chair*
Name: Azmeena Mussa
*3. Secretary*
Name: Neelma Ackbarally
*4. Treasurer*
Name: Sadiyya Allana
Name: Farhat Faruq
The PTFA can be found on the playground before and after school or can be contacted via the school office at office@linden.leicester.sch.uk
*1. Co-chair*
Name: Raissa Ibraimo Patia
*2. Co-chair*
Name: Azmeena Mussa
*3. Secretary*
Name: Neelma Ackbarally
*4. Treasurer*
Name: Sadiyya Allana
Name: Farhat Faruq
The PTFA can be found on the playground before and after school or can be contacted via the school office at office@linden.leicester.sch.uk